Initial Stages

Once you are ready to bring your business online we would love to talk with you. You can send us a message on this site or use any of our social media to get in touch. We will discuss your company's needs, desires, and goals so that we can build the perfect web solution for you. Our initial discussion should include a rough idea of what you want your website to do. Do you want a page that describes your business? Do you want it to give the optoin of contacting your business? Do you want to chowcase your products or services? How about a way to make online purchases of your products? Do you want to get the email address of people that are interested in recieving promotional advertisements? We can also help you figure out what would best suite your business needs.

Next we will need to know what the budget is for your website to help us determine how to best make your dream a reality. We will be able to offer multiple services for different budgets and can work with you to determine what is the best course of actoin. We will create a proposal for the project shortly after. We will sign a contract for work and Adam's Personal Developing will begin work on the project immediately.

What you can expect after signing the contract

We are very passoinate about web development and will work tirelessly to produce the highest quality product for you. We will keep in regular contact with you to alert you of our progress so that you can feel comfortable knowing your dream is being built in our factory. We are professionals, and as such we pride ourselves in completeling work no later than the agreed on deadline in the contract so you can expect your website complete and ready to deploy by the taget date.We also offer post deployment maintence if you would like to ensure that your website stays up-to-date and relevant or if there are any technical difficulties that arrise after launch. If need be, we can also train our clients on how to update and maintain the site so that you can keep it in-house. Are you getting excited? Then hit that Contact Us button and begin your journey with Adam's Personal Developing!